Thursday, November 04, 2004

Ways to make Angela's head explode

1. Be unable to proceed properly at a 4 way stop sign. It's not that difficult, jackass.

2. Drive very slowly and gawk around at everything except the road in front of you, leading to a line up of approximately 20 cars behind you, the drivers of which all hate your guts (Dad).

3. Come to a complete stop when making a right turn.

4. Give me the finger and continiously slam on the brakes because you think I am following you too closely. Yes, I was too close, but in my defense, the only way for me to not follow you that closely was to come to a complete stop since you were driving 10 KILOMETERS AN HOUR! ASSHOLE!

5. Go so slowly through the advance green arrow that only you and one other car have time to get through.

6. Not pulling out onto the road until there are absolutely no other cars coming in either direction, no matter how long you, or all the people behind you, have to sit there (Uncle Hal).

7. Throwing your cigarette butts out the car window.

8. Playing really loud rap music with your windows open and the bass turned way up. Yeah, welcome to the hood, loser.

9. You come to a complete stop in the merge lane until there are no cars coming. Look up MERGE in the dictionary before getting back into your car, please, idiot.

10. You start moving slowly forward through the red light as soon as the other light turns yellow. I hope that someone comes roaring through that yellow light and rips off the front of your car. I really do.

By the way, these things all happened either on my way home for lunch or on my way back to work, causing my head to explode in a paroxysm of rage.


Christine said...
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Anonymous said...

Happy BD from another Canadian bummed about Bush