Thursday, May 19, 2005

Scary trend or just stupidity?

I have seen a couple of alarming trends lately. People wearing pajama pants as clothes drives me nuts. And not just teenagers, but adults. Big fat men and mothers with kids at the grocery store. They are not clothes, they are pajamas. Stop being so goddamn lazy and put on a pair of jeans. I swear, it doesn't take that much energy.

The other one is women wearing black bras under white shirts. Same thing as with the pajamas - bras are underwear, not clothes. You wear one under your clothes to hold up your boobs. I don't want to see your bra. Either wear a non-white shirt or buy a nude bra. Especially if you are 45 and wear an industrial strength one an inch thick, please cover that up.

I was complaining about this to Liane the other day, and she told me that when she picked up her daughter at school one day, two girls came out of the school wearing pajama pants under skirts. What kind of stupidity is this! Wear pants - preferably not pajamas, OR wear a skirt, not both.

TV Overload

I am soon going to have to have the television remote pried from my hand. There has been too much good tv on lately and my time in front of the tube is getting out of hand. With all of the season finalies on and the white trash extravaganza that is Britney & Kevin, I am fearing for my mental health.

I have to confess that I watched the whole hour of Britney & Kevin - I just couldn't tear my eyes away from the nastyness of it all. Then I had to shower, because, ick. They smoke (and not just cigarettes in my opinion - did you see his squinty, red eyes?), they drink, they talk about sex - whatever happened to the sweet little girl who used to be Britney. Not that I was a fan, but the little girls love her. I don't think I would be entirely comfortable letting my little teenybopper watch this show. And that Kevin dude, ick again. Listening to the two of them talk is just painful. They cannot seem to speak in complete, coherent sentances. But, you know what? I will probably watch it again, just because it is so nasty and I can feel superior because she may be rich and famous, but I can speak in whole sentances and I have better skin.

Then there is Lost. I am totally addicted to this show. Although I do now have to watch it by myself, because frankly, I don't want to expose anyone else to the screaming, cursing, drooling (over Sawyer), sometimes crying, and just plain wacko behavior that accompanies me watching this hour of television. Even the dog leaves the room. The only thing that I am not going to love about the trip to Montreal is that I won't get to see the finale until I get back home.

I do love Alias, but now, the whole time I watch the show, I am trying to see how pregnant Jennifer Garner looks. Plus I worry about her and the baby when she does her stunts. Some of them look dangerous. I haven't quite decided if that takes away from my enjoyment of the show or if it adds to it.

One last show I am looking forward to is tonights CSI - written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, who I just love. Two whole hours of "Kill Gil"! I may have to watch this one alone too.

I will be glad when all these shows are done, just so I can get away from my TV for a while. Do they have a Betty Ford for television?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

My new Hero

Her Name is Pamela Ribon and she is a writer. Every year she has a book drive to help school get the books they need and this year she has decided to sponsor an area in India that was badly affected by the tsunami. This is the book drive website. You should go there and donate. I did. Then go to her website and read all the emails from people who have donated. Its cool.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Apparently, I need to move to Brazil

A town in Brazil celebrated Orgasm Day yesterday!

Remember when...

Remember when we were 20 and we could party like maniacs every night, stay out until 4 am, drink our faces off, eat chinese food at dawn and still get up every day and go to school and after school, go to work? I cannot do that any more. After a very late, fun night on Saturday, Sunday was painful. I am old. It was fun, though.

I have a couple of questions...

Is it wrong to drink Starbucks Coffee Liquor in the morning instead of just coffee? It's got coffee in it and it tastes really good.

Why the fuck is the runaway bride still on tv talking about her non-wedding? Who cares? Get married, don't get married, whatever. What happened to actual news on the news?

Why does this guy who lives on my street insist on driving REALLY fast down the street, just to slam on his brakes at the stop sign, every single day? Is this a sign that he is really very cool? Or that his car is really cool? I wish he would stop - loud cars irritate Desoto.

Does the guy standing outside the liquor store asking for money for coffee think we believe that he really wants coffee?

Why is it that the tv shows I am excited to watch are all teen dramas (like the Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, the OC)? Deep down, do I think I am still 16? Or do I just want to be?

Why does Desoto insist on having 6 or 7 small poops instead of just one big one when I take him for a walk?

Why does Ben Affleck make such bad movies? You know he's got talent in there somewhere. Is it bad management? Or is he just too busy with all his romancing to care? I watched Daredevil yesterday, that's why I am wondering.

Ok, that is all the questions.

13 more sleeps until Montreal, Joss Stone, Starbucks (0.41 miles from our hotel), shopping, the gay palace (as our hotel is now known) and rude french people.

Monday, May 09, 2005


I am so happy to report that Liane and I are going to see Joss Stone in Montreal on May 29th! I love Joss Stone. And I like her Gap ads way better than Sarah Jessica Parker's. Sadly, Christine will not be joining us at the concert as she will already be gone back to the UK.

We will also be taking in a Cirque de Soleil performance as well. It is so nice to be going to a place where stuff happens, as opposed to Charlottetown, where nothing much ever goes on.

The hotel that I booked online, Maison Brunet, is apparently right in the heart of Montreal's gay district, so no need to worry about our safety. Although Liane is a little worried that her birkenstocks will give out the wrong impression.

Only 14 more sleeps until Montreal!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Funny Girls

I love these girls - they are so funny!