Friday, November 05, 2004


I promise that I am going to stop obsessing about the election soon, but just thought I would point out this interesting article about possible ramifications for Canada.

The update is about the house situation. I had made an offer on a house, and then found one that I liked better, so when they came back with a counter-offer, I rejected it and then made an offer on the second house. They came back with a counter-offer and as I was about to accept, I had a panic attack. A full-fledged, heart pounding, hyper-ventilating, I am going to die panic attack at the thought of going through with the deal. So I rejected the counter offer. I am not really sure why I freaked out so much, I thought that I had all this worked out in my head, but obviously not. My poor realtor thinks I am a loon. So I have decided to put off the house buying until after Christmas, when I get back from Alberta, and I have had time to calm down (and perhaps get a little therapy). Hopefully by then I will be so desperate to not be staying with my mother that the thought of having a hundred thousand dollar mortgage will not even bother me and I will be singing and dancing while signing the papers. We shall see.

Hurry up and be born Grace Michaela so that we can have the same birthday.

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