Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Seasonal Depression

My birthday is over and I am sinking into my annual depression. It always happens after my birthday when it starts to get cold and usually lasts until the spring when the weather gets warmer and we have more than 8 hours of daylight. I am really not a cold weather type of girl. I try, I really do. I ski ocasionally and I try to snowboard, but my heart is just not in it. All winter, I long for the sun, the beach and my kayak. I want to be able to not wear a coat to go outside. Or take my dog for a walk and not wear 5 layers of clothing, plus hat and scarf and gloves.

It snowed yesterday. Now the snow didn't last and it has already snowed a bunch of times in Alberta, so I guess we are not suffering all that much here in PEI, but man, I hate winter.

How many months until spring?

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