Wednesday, November 23, 2005


These are the 100 most challenged books from 1990 to 2000. As compared to the last list of books, the best english language books from 1923 to 2000 of which I had read 23, I have read almost 60 of these.

Bring on the Lost

Ok, it's Wednesday night and I am ready for Lost. I am all settled in on my couch with a pizza and a pitcher of pomegranate martinis. I am ready. Ready to watch Sayid put the boots to Ana Lucia. Go Sayid. And maybe Sawyer will take some clothes off. Go Sawyer.

Yes, I did watch Oprah today, but I didn't get the idea for the martinis from her show, I have been making pomegranate martinis and bellinis all summer at the hotel. Actually, you can put pomegranate jiuce with almost any liquor and it tastes good. And I cried AGAIN watching Oprah. I really shouldn't watch her, it always makes me cry, but today she and Habitat for Humanity gave 50 families houses. So cool. Don't you wish you were worth a bazillion dollars so you could give away houses and cars and stuff. Not that all the little bits regular people contribute don't count, but it would be so fun to give away BIG stuff. Oh, and I totally cried the other day watching her favorite things show, but that was just because I wasn't getting the cool stuff.

Dammit, I just burned my pizza and now the smoke alarm is going off and the dog is freaking out. This is why I don't cook. Maybe I will just skip the pizza and concentrate on the martinis. Note to self, always take the batteries out of the smoke alarms before going in to kitchen.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Petals around the Rose

I have been playing this game and almost went insane trying to figure out the secret. I finally did, but I may or may not be insane now. Stupid game.


Since I have been sick so much recently, I have been watching a lot of movies and I have a question...why do so many directors feel the need to make their movies so hard to watch. I have seen so many movies lately that are very darkly lit, use wierd camera angles and/or shaky camera work? Are they trying to look edgy or cool? Is it the sign of a brilliant director when you can only see what is happening in half the movie? For god's sakes, I might think you are, in fact, brilliant if I could only follow what is happening on the screen. It's hard to know whether or not a movie was good if I haven't been able to see most of it.

Christine, Domino sucked. While it isn't the worst movie I have ever seen (or half seen...see above) it is certainly in the top ten. Except for the spanish guy, he is cute, and the 90210 guys.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

3 days

So, I have been off work for 3 days now, and I really wish that I could tell you all the wonderful things I have accomplished and all the projects that I have completed. But no. I haven't done anything at all except sleep a lot (on doctor's orders!), watch movies, surf the net, walk the dog, and go out to dinner twice. I could very easily grow to love being a lady of leisure. The only downside has been my asthma, which is really bad, and struggling to breathe all the time is exhausting, hence the sleeping a lot. But so far, loving staying home.

It's a boy!

Congratulations to Peter and Jillian on the arrival of their son, Jake Peter MacKinnon! And congratulations also to his very proud Aunt Christine, Uncle Mike and Grandpa Dick!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


So, it turns out that my job has been making me sick. I have asthma, and with the really old files that I have been working on, my doctor thinks that whatever I have been inhaling has been causing or contributing to my being sick all the time. So, as of today, I am off for a month. And when I go back to work, I won't be in the same place or doing the same job. So what I will be doing or where I will be is a mystery. I will still be with Veterans Affairs, but other than that, maybe a whole new job. Kind of exciting. And hopefully after a month of being away from the nasty files, I will be 100% again. That would be cool.

Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, it really made my day! It kind of helped with the fact that I turned old last week.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Happy Birthday to ME

It's my birthday today. My birthday is my favorite day of the whole year. It's all about me today. I love my birthday. So far today, I have had coffee and cold pizza for breakfast, which is always a great way to start the day.

I really have no big plans for the day, just a couple of books, magazines, movies, a walk with the big dog and a visit to my dad. Nice easy day, not much different than this past week when I was so sick except for the not feeling like death part.

Anyway, I am just going to hang out and enjoy my day. happy birthday me.

It's not nice to be mean to the sick person

So, I had a really good day today. I ddn't die, I got out of bed, and I had 2 cups of coffee. While I am not all the way better, I have started on the path. I even left the house for a brief time. Not that I wanted to leave the house, but apparently the big dog needs to be fed every day or he gets a little touchy. Never mind that I was dying for four days, but as I was saying I had a good day.

I decided to watch Stay, the movie with Ryan Gosling in it. I really only wanted to see the movie because Ryan Gosling is in it because he is cute and since he is only about 12, I am now being punished for thinking he is cute. I don't understand. My brain hurts. I have been sick. I took a lot of cold medicine. My brain is not yet running at full capacity. This movie is very confusing. I have a lot of questions. That was mean. I am very sorry I think a teenager is cute, now please explain. Start at the beginning.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

I had coffee today

So, I am on the mend, I think. I actually had coffee today. I am still in bed and I still can't talk very well, but I have started to move away from the bright light. Maybe tomorrow I'll try getting out of bed. Something to look forward to.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why me?

I am sick. So sick. So sick that I can't talk and my throat is so swollen that I am having trouble breathing. I tried to call my supervisor this morning but he couldn't understand me croaking into the phone, so I had to email him instead.

I am so sick that:
1. I can't eat the leftover halloween chocolate.
2. I can't drink coffee.
3. I don't even care that it's my birthday in 4 days.

I am so sick. Not to mention cranky, miserable and whiny. Except whiny only in my head because I can't talk.

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good girl all year (well except for that one time, but that shouldn't count, it wasn't my fault). For Christmas I would like a new immune system. I will leave you milk and cookies.

Love Angela