Tuesday, November 02, 2004

I believe...

I believe and I have been thinking happy thoughts and sending out positive vibes to the voters in the US. I believe that Kerry can win! Whoo hoo!! No more George Bush. Come on US, you can do it.

When not sending out happy thoughts, I have been laughing my ass off at this website, which has Morman baby names that are so funny, there were literally tears running down my face. Which is actually not so good when you are supposed to be working. Hard to hide the tears when the boss walks by. Not to mock the Mormans, but really. In the interest of fairness and as not to pick on just the Mormans, here is another bad baby name website that doesn't specify what religion these dumbasses come from.

My cousin is having a baby girl on Friday, that's why I have been checking out baby names. "On Friday", you say, "Isn't there something else going on on Friday?" Why yes, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I love my birthday. Only 3 more days to go.

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