Thursday, October 20, 2005

Stupid Oprah

So, I was home on my couch today, feeling very sorry for myself because I have a cold and an ear infection. The ear infection is making my balance all wonky so I am walking like I have been on a 3 day bender and it also makes me nauseous, all a recipe for some wallowing in self pity UNTIL I watch Oprah who has some inspirational stories about people with real problems which totally make me cry and then I feel like a big jerk for feeling sorry for myself when all I have wrong with me is a sick stomach, a runny nose and the inability to walk a straight line. I hate Oprah.

1 comment:

dieselfire said...

you crack me up. however, Oprah does that to people... been in your shoes before... you really shouldn't watch Sally then. You'd want to shoot yourself in the head.