Monday, October 17, 2005

Can't Stop the Signal

I have now given over completely to my inner geek. I think I am a Browncoat. You have my permission to shoot me if I start talking about going to Comic-Con!

I have always been a little obsessive about things I like, but I have now sunk to a whole new level. I started hearing about the movie Serenity and realized that it was a movie of a tv series that I had seen a couple of episodes of before it was cancelled. So I watched a couple of episodes to remind me and was hooked. I had forgotten how much I love and adore Joss Whedon, the series creator, who also did Buffy and Angel, and who is a brilliant writer. I want to live in his head. So, I went out and bought the DVD of the series, which I have now watched 3 times. Once with the commentary. I know, I know. I have now seen the movie once in the theatre and twice at home. Not that I downloaded it because that would be wrong and illegal. It just appeared. Faeries brought it, or elves. Maybe Santa. Then I bought the book of the movie and read that twice. I may need an intervention. I have obsessively read about Serenity and Firefly on the internet, I even know how much the movie is making at the box office. Not enough, by the way. They need to make 80 million and then there will be 2 more movies, according to the internet.

The only person who cannot make fun of me is Christine, because she has done the exact same things. Apparently wierdos flock together, Christine.

1 comment:

Christine said...

S***, I didn't realise there was commentary. Don't call me for a few days.