Monday, October 31, 2005
Can I see your ID please?
Know what I hate? 20 year olds with no costumes trick or treating. At least paint your face or put on a wig or something. If I am giving you perfectly good candy that I could otherwise be eating, you could at least make a little effort.
Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween everyone!
Hope you have lots of treats and not too many tricks today.
I am off to get ready for all the kids...and Desoto just informed me that he wants to be a ballerina so he doesn't scare everyone away.
Hope you have lots of treats and not too many tricks today.
I am off to get ready for all the kids...and Desoto just informed me that he wants to be a ballerina so he doesn't scare everyone away.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Friday, October 28, 2005
I carry your heart with me ( I carry it in my heart)
I just saw the movie "In Her Shoes" with Cameron Diaz. I was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. I loved the book when I read it a couple of years ago, but didn't expect them do such a good job with the movie. The movie is about 2 sisters and their relationship, and it made me want to call my sister and tell her I love her. I am lucky to have a really great sister. One who, unlike the movie, has never slept with any of my boyfriends (thanks Jen!).
Like most sisters, Jennifer and I have had our ups and downs. She is lucky that she survived her childhood because you have never met such a rotten, stubborn little girl. She constantly tattled on my brother and I, and we were always forced to babysit or take her places. Thankfully she outgrew that stage without Mike or I having to kill her and dispose of the body. We would have gotten away with it too, because with her out of the way, there would have been no one to tell on us.
I remember the time I was hiding a pack of cigarettes in my nightstand. Of course, Jennifer found them, since I am pretty sure that is how she earned her allowance - looking through our stuff and then telling Mom and Dad what she found. I told her that the smokes weren't mine, that they were Liane's. I blamed everything on Liane because her parents were incapeable of enforcing any kind of punishment. The longest she was grounded was about 10 minutes. I, however, spent a straight year grounded for various non-parental approved activities. I told Jennifer that I was holding the cigarettes because Liane would get into trouble if anyone knew about them, and told her that it was a secret and not to tell anyone.
So, that night at dinner, as we all sat around the table, Jennifer said, in the kind of whisper that you can hear five blocks away, "Did you tell Mom and Dad about the secret?"
Me: "Shut up."
Dad: "What secret"
Me: "Nothing. Shut up Jen."
Dad: "What secret? And don't tell your sister to shut up. Jennifer, what secret?"
Jennifer: "Angela has cigarettes, but it's okay because they are Liane's."
So, I got grounded. Liane didn't. Jennifer got a bigger allowance.
But we all survived Jen's childhood with no killing and she grew up to be a great sister and a great friend. She is one of those people that you just like being around, she makes everything more fun. Whenever I had parties, my friends always wanted to know if Jen was coming. Unfortunately, she lives far away from me, so I don't get to see her a lot, but we always have fun when we get together.
So Jen, I hope you go see this movie, and if you do, know that it made me think of you. And cry, but I always cry, just like you. Love you.
And its only 8 more sleeps until my BIRTHDAY!
Like most sisters, Jennifer and I have had our ups and downs. She is lucky that she survived her childhood because you have never met such a rotten, stubborn little girl. She constantly tattled on my brother and I, and we were always forced to babysit or take her places. Thankfully she outgrew that stage without Mike or I having to kill her and dispose of the body. We would have gotten away with it too, because with her out of the way, there would have been no one to tell on us.
I remember the time I was hiding a pack of cigarettes in my nightstand. Of course, Jennifer found them, since I am pretty sure that is how she earned her allowance - looking through our stuff and then telling Mom and Dad what she found. I told her that the smokes weren't mine, that they were Liane's. I blamed everything on Liane because her parents were incapeable of enforcing any kind of punishment. The longest she was grounded was about 10 minutes. I, however, spent a straight year grounded for various non-parental approved activities. I told Jennifer that I was holding the cigarettes because Liane would get into trouble if anyone knew about them, and told her that it was a secret and not to tell anyone.
So, that night at dinner, as we all sat around the table, Jennifer said, in the kind of whisper that you can hear five blocks away, "Did you tell Mom and Dad about the secret?"
Me: "Shut up."
Dad: "What secret"
Me: "Nothing. Shut up Jen."
Dad: "What secret? And don't tell your sister to shut up. Jennifer, what secret?"
Jennifer: "Angela has cigarettes, but it's okay because they are Liane's."
So, I got grounded. Liane didn't. Jennifer got a bigger allowance.
But we all survived Jen's childhood with no killing and she grew up to be a great sister and a great friend. She is one of those people that you just like being around, she makes everything more fun. Whenever I had parties, my friends always wanted to know if Jen was coming. Unfortunately, she lives far away from me, so I don't get to see her a lot, but we always have fun when we get together.
So Jen, I hope you go see this movie, and if you do, know that it made me think of you. And cry, but I always cry, just like you. Love you.
And its only 8 more sleeps until my BIRTHDAY!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Death Defying Wednesday
I was nearly hit by the same idiot driver of a blue mini-van (not my father because he was driving too fast) 2 times on my way to work today. First he ran a 4 way stop (why do people on PEI find it soooo fucking hard to proceed correctly through a 4 way stop. It is not that hard, assholes) and almost crashed into the side of my car. It wasn't that he didn't wait for me to go first, I was halfway through the intersection. He just didn't stop at the stop sign. Then, a couple of streets later, I was starting to parallel park, I was pulled over, with the car in reverse and my signal light on, and the same guy came tearing up the street and almost crashed into the back of my car. I am starting to think that bad drivers just follow me around to piss me off. It's a conspiracy. I KNEW IT!
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
I am a slacker
I have only read 23 of these books - the Time Magazine list of the top 100 english language books since 1923. Athough I do have 3 more on my bookcase waiting to be read. I guess I have a project for the winter.
Monday, October 24, 2005
So, I had a sleepover (of the adult variety) last week. And, while this may be cause for celebration on my part, a certain member of my family was not so impressed with this turn of events. There was growling, which progressed to barking, which progressed to Desoto hurling himself against my overnight guest in an attempt to knock him down and, I don't know, maim him, to keep him away from me. Not really the romantic mood I had envisioned. He made a total nuisance of himself, trying to be in between us at all times. Then, when Desoto was locked out of the bedroom for the night, he proceeded to bash the door with his (giant) head and cry. Very loudly. Again, mood enhancing. When I finally relented, after a while, and let him back in the bedroom, there took place a battle over which two of the three of us were going to be sleeping in the bed. You would think that two people against one dog wouldn't be that difficult, but when that dog weighs 150 lbs, and is determined to sleep in the middle, it's more than a little tricky.
Needless to say, I think the sleepovers will have to take place at someone else's house from now on.
Needless to say, I think the sleepovers will have to take place at someone else's house from now on.
My hair
About six weeks ago, I cut off all my hair. I went from having long, long hair to having hair that is less than an inch long. It's not that big a deal, I really like having it short. It was funny watching everyone else's reactions. So, it didn't take me long to get used to it, but the other morning I got out of bed after not sleeping very well and glanced in the mirror and freaked out! For some reason, my short-haired reflection caught me totally off guard and I actually screamed "Aaaaagggghhh, MY HAIR!" I don't know if I was dreaming that I still had my hair, or what happened, but it was kind of funny.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Stupid Oprah
So, I was home on my couch today, feeling very sorry for myself because I have a cold and an ear infection. The ear infection is making my balance all wonky so I am walking like I have been on a 3 day bender and it also makes me nauseous, all a recipe for some wallowing in self pity UNTIL I watch Oprah who has some inspirational stories about people with real problems which totally make me cry and then I feel like a big jerk for feeling sorry for myself when all I have wrong with me is a sick stomach, a runny nose and the inability to walk a straight line. I hate Oprah.
I went to see Elizabethtown the other night with some friends. I actually had no real interest in seeing this movie, but I did want popcorn, so I went. It wasn't my favorite. I am not a fan of Kirsten Dunst (would it kill her to wear a bra?) and I think that Orlando Bloom looks better with long blond hair and elf ears, but I do like Cameron Crowe and I had popcorn, so not all bad. The movie soundtrack was amazing though and Susan Sarandon looks incredible. Hard to believe that she is almost 60!
Monday, October 17, 2005
Can't Stop the Signal
I have now given over completely to my inner geek. I think I am a Browncoat. You have my permission to shoot me if I start talking about going to Comic-Con!
I have always been a little obsessive about things I like, but I have now sunk to a whole new level. I started hearing about the movie Serenity and realized that it was a movie of a tv series that I had seen a couple of episodes of before it was cancelled. So I watched a couple of episodes to remind me and was hooked. I had forgotten how much I love and adore Joss Whedon, the series creator, who also did Buffy and Angel, and who is a brilliant writer. I want to live in his head. So, I went out and bought the DVD of the series, which I have now watched 3 times. Once with the commentary. I know, I know. I have now seen the movie once in the theatre and twice at home. Not that I downloaded it because that would be wrong and illegal. It just appeared. Faeries brought it, or elves. Maybe Santa. Then I bought the book of the movie and read that twice. I may need an intervention. I have obsessively read about Serenity and Firefly on the internet, I even know how much the movie is making at the box office. Not enough, by the way. They need to make 80 million and then there will be 2 more movies, according to the internet.
The only person who cannot make fun of me is Christine, because she has done the exact same things. Apparently wierdos flock together, Christine.
I have always been a little obsessive about things I like, but I have now sunk to a whole new level. I started hearing about the movie Serenity and realized that it was a movie of a tv series that I had seen a couple of episodes of before it was cancelled. So I watched a couple of episodes to remind me and was hooked. I had forgotten how much I love and adore Joss Whedon, the series creator, who also did Buffy and Angel, and who is a brilliant writer. I want to live in his head. So, I went out and bought the DVD of the series, which I have now watched 3 times. Once with the commentary. I know, I know. I have now seen the movie once in the theatre and twice at home. Not that I downloaded it because that would be wrong and illegal. It just appeared. Faeries brought it, or elves. Maybe Santa. Then I bought the book of the movie and read that twice. I may need an intervention. I have obsessively read about Serenity and Firefly on the internet, I even know how much the movie is making at the box office. Not enough, by the way. They need to make 80 million and then there will be 2 more movies, according to the internet.
The only person who cannot make fun of me is Christine, because she has done the exact same things. Apparently wierdos flock together, Christine.
Yes, I live in the creepy whorehouse
So, I came home the other day to find that Scott had been to the dollar store to buy halloween decorations. I love that he did this because I am not really one for decorating. I think about it, but I never seem to actually get around to it. I tend to be a big thinker, but I am not big on the follow-through.
So, we now have a skeleton on the front door who seems to be grabbing his crotch, as well as a red lightbulb in the porch light. So now when you see my house at night, the red light screams "Whores live here", and the skeleton with the inappropriatly placed hands just backs that theory right up. Not that I am complaining. Extra cash always comes in handy.
So, we now have a skeleton on the front door who seems to be grabbing his crotch, as well as a red lightbulb in the porch light. So now when you see my house at night, the red light screams "Whores live here", and the skeleton with the inappropriatly placed hands just backs that theory right up. Not that I am complaining. Extra cash always comes in handy.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Yet another stupid baby name
I thought that Nicholas Cages might just win the prize for stupidest baby name ever with Kal-el Cage, but there is just so much competition, its hard to pick a winner. Celebrities are stupid.
Here are a few more:
Moxie Crimefighter, daughter of Penn Gillette
Rumer Glenn, Tallulah Belle and Scout LaRue, daughters of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
Jett, son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston
Diezel and Denim, sons of Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis
Prince Michael, Prince Michael II (AKA Blanket), and Paris Michael, children of Michael Jackson
Speck Wildhorse and Hud, sons of John Mellencamp and Elaine Irwin
Pilot Inspektor, son of Jason Lee and Beth Riesgraf
Tu Morrow, daughter of Rob Morrow and Debbon Ayre (seriously)
Audio Science, son of Shannyn Sossamon and Dallas Clayton
Zowie Bowie, son of David Bowie
Rolan Bolan, son of Marc Bolan
Banjo, son of Rachel Griffiths
Lyric and Zephyr, daughter and son of Robby Benson
Kyd, son of David Duchovny and Tea Leoni
Reignbeau and Freedom, daughter and son of Ving Rhames
Jermajesty, son of Jermaine Jackson
Here are a few more:
Moxie Crimefighter, daughter of Penn Gillette
Rumer Glenn, Tallulah Belle and Scout LaRue, daughters of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
Jett, son of John Travolta and Kelly Preston
Diezel and Denim, sons of Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis
Prince Michael, Prince Michael II (AKA Blanket), and Paris Michael, children of Michael Jackson
Speck Wildhorse and Hud, sons of John Mellencamp and Elaine Irwin
Pilot Inspektor, son of Jason Lee and Beth Riesgraf
Tu Morrow, daughter of Rob Morrow and Debbon Ayre (seriously)
Audio Science, son of Shannyn Sossamon and Dallas Clayton
Zowie Bowie, son of David Bowie
Rolan Bolan, son of Marc Bolan
Banjo, son of Rachel Griffiths
Lyric and Zephyr, daughter and son of Robby Benson
Kyd, son of David Duchovny and Tea Leoni
Reignbeau and Freedom, daughter and son of Ving Rhames
Jermajesty, son of Jermaine Jackson
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