Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Move, then collapse

So I am all moved in! Except nothing is unpacked and shall probably remain in boxes for a little while yet, as I try to decide where stuff should go. but all my stuff is now in my house. Then, after all the painting, cleaning and moving, I promptly collapsed from exhaustion and the flu and stayed in my bed (I love my bed!) for two days. But at least all the hard stuff is done and I can relax and pick away at the unpacking.

There was an unfortunate incident with one of the rooms. After much discussion with my mother, I decided on a very pretty, very pale lilac for one of the bedrooms. The paint, in theory, was very nice. On the walls, a whole other story. It looked like you were inside a giant easter egg! It was a horrible, horrible, bright lilacy purple. I ran back to the paint store and begged the paint guy to make it not be purple anymore. Make it another colour, preferable grey. So the room now looks much better, a pretty purpley grey that does not make me want to beat my head against the wall until I cannot see the walls any more.

Desoto is adjusting, very slowly, to his new home. He misses my parents, and hates being by himself. Mom stopped by to visit him on Monday, and when she was leaving, he cried and wanted to go with her. It is unfortunate that I am not independantly wealthy and cannot afford to stay home all the time and play with my dog, but instead have to go to work to make enough money to pay for all the food he eats!

So far, I have to say, except for the sickness its been very cool waking up in my house that I own.

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