Friday, March 11, 2005

Better Day

So, today is a better day. I have calmed down and after a visit to the veterinarian, and many phone calls to my cousin who is also a vet, I am feeling very hopeful that Desoto is going to be ok.

The vet thinks that Desoto either had a seizure or he has a problem with his heart. He is the right age for seizures to start showing up, apparently they start manifesting around 2 yrs old, and if this is the problem, it is really the best case since some dogs may have only a couple of seizures, or have them only a few times a year and not need to be medicated at all.

Big dogs like Desoto are prone to heart problems though, but when I asked my cousin the vet about it she said that if it was a heart problem, it would likely (but not always) have shown up in a heart murmur or an arrythmia, which Desoto doesn't have, so that is keeping me hopeful.

He had blood test done which all came back normal (thank goodness), and he now has to have some tests done on his heart, like a chest x-ray, an ultrasound and an ECG, and that will show if there is a problem with his heart, and what it is.

So he was great last night, and I am feeling much better today. If it was a seizure, then that is good - well, not good, but better than anything else - and it can be controlled with medication. If it is a heart problem, well, I will wait until after all these tests and see what the doctor says before I start thinking worst case.

So, thanks for all the positive vibes sent to me and Desoto. It really helped. Keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't have a heart problem.

1 comment:

Fernegulley said...

So glad to hear that Desoto is better> It is very scary when they go flat out like that! Charlie was like that in January.