Thursday, September 23, 2004

This is hard work

I have been busy lately trying to find someplace to live. Right now I am staying with my parents (you can only imagine how thrilling this is) while I search for a place I can call home. My original plan was to stay with them for a couple of weeks, rent a house or a duplex for a year while I looked for a suitable house to buy. It is impossible to rent a place to,live when you own a giant dog. I have tried. Even the worst looking places, places that smell like something died inside the walls or have mould crawling across the ceilings, don't take pets - like a pet could make it worse?

So I have decided that if I don't want to live with Mom and Dad for the forseeable future, I must buy a house. I had no idea how much work this is. You have to search the Real Estate Guide, the internet, and/or question everyone you know looking for houses for sale. One bonus is that when people know you are looking for a house, they always know of "the perfect house for you"! Then you have to go and see all these houses, check out all the features/updates/problems. You have to work out the costs/mortgages/repairs. you have to figure out where you want to live, the features you can't live without, the features you want but don't really need and so on.

This is too much. What I would really like is for someone to do all this for me, do all the paperwork and just have me sign something, tell me how much I owe and give me the keys. I don't feel mature enough to have to make this decision. This is big, this is where I am going to live, for a long time. It is a huge amount of money (which still makes me want to throw up if I think about it, so I don't). Am I really old enough to have to make this kind of life-altering decision? I would like to say "I want my mommy" but my mommy just wants her house back, without me or a giant dog making a mess everywhere, and doesn't really care where I live, as long as it's not with her.

It fells like having a second full time job, this house hunting, except it costs money, has no benefits and is severely depressing.

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