Monday, March 26, 2007

I think it would hurt less if karma would actually bite me on the ass...

Instead of repeatedly punching me in the face. In the nose, to be exact. Because, pretty soon, I am going to look like Sylvester Stallone. That's right, for the second time in approximately 15 months, I have a broken nose. It wasn't Desoto, this time. No, it was my 2 year old cousin who head-butted me. Then my whole family stood around and made fun of me. Although, my Mom did say that they would have been more sympathetic if this had been the first time it happened.


Christine said...

Well, ya gotta admit, it is kinda funny. I am not full on laughing at you like I was when you were sprayed by a skunk AGAIN but I am chuckling.

Pete said...

I don't think it is funny, I have been head-butted by Jake more than once and I am just lucky that I haven't gotten a broken nose yet... I am just preparing myself for the day it happens to me...