Monday, April 24, 2006


You know what I like? The name Balthazar. I wonder if it's too late to change Desoto's name. Although, after spending the weekend cleaning up a backyard full of leaves and dog poop, his current name is Shit Machine.

Something else I like, actually someone, is Kevin Smith. I have seen all his movies, and love every one of them. It's funny, because I am a bit of a snob about movies. I don't like stupid comedies, refuse to see anything that stars Jim Carrey or Adam Sandler (wait, I am lying, I did see Spanglish) but show me a movie with Jay and Silent Bob and not only will I laugh my ass off, but I will watch it 10 times and end up owning the dvd. I can't tell you how many times I have watched Clerks, and am impatiently waiting for Clerks 2. It helps that in all of his movies, my boyfriend Ben Affleck either stars or makes an appearance. I recently read his book "Silent Bob Speaks" and because I have a slightly obsessive personality, I then was googling him and found his blog . I then proceeded to read about a year or so of his life, marvelling at how detailed his entries were how open he was and how faithful a blogger he was. It is a very cool blog and very little of his life is off limits. He has been talking about his friend Jason Mewes and his fight to kick his drug habit, and it is very interesting reading. It makes me wish that I was a better blogger and that I had an interesting life about which to write.

I have decided to plant flowers in my yard. This probably isn't sounding as exciting to you as it does to me, but I am toxic to plants. Every plant I have ever owned has died a sad and painful death. When my mother goes away, she puts all of her plants in one room and tells me not to go in there. I have really tried. I have bought many, many plants. I have bought books on how to take care of plants, and still they die. So I gave up. I don't own any plants. Even grass doesn't grow in my yard, although that my have more to do with Shit Machine than with me. So I have decided to plant a flower garden. I don't actually know what kind of flowers yet or how long they will actually live, but I am going to try. Cross your fingers.

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