Monday, September 26, 2005

Martinis, bad!

You know when you go to a function and they have those little tiny, plastic wine glasses? Well, if you drink about 82 little tiny plastic wine glasses full of wine, you get just as drunk as when you drink out of big glasses. Who knew?

I had a family function on Saturday night. So of course I made Christine come with me (I do not like to suffer alone) so we could go out somewhere after. She came to meet me and then we went to 42nd Street and drank a lot of martinis. First I had a couple of raspberry ones and then we started drinking these martinis that tasted just like vanilla cake mix, but with grated chocolate on top. So very good. I am not sure how many martinis we actually drank, but combined with the 82 tiny glasses of wine, I am sure you can guess what kind of a state I was in. The problem with sitting at 42nd Street drinking martinis is that they don't really hit you while you are sitting. It is not until you are up and moving around that you realize you might not be sober any more.

So we left the bar, and we go outside and I say to Christine, "You know, I think I could probably drive the couple of blocks to my place." And Christine, with great self-restraint, does not punch me, but says instead, "Are you out of your mind! Do you realize how much you just had to drink?" And then it hit me. Holy crap, I am very, very drunk and possibly not able to walk, let alone drive home. And then I fell down. So, sorry Christine. Thanks for not drinking 82 tiny glasses of wine before the martinis and being much more sensible than I was.

And then I went home and called people, people who really should not have been called at 3 am, or ever actually. Fortunately, most were not at home. Unfortunately, some were.

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