Friday, January 14, 2005

Now I've done it

That's right, I did it! (no, not that, get your mind out of the gutter) I am buying a house. Back in November, I put an offer on a house and then had a huge panic attack about it and backed out. I really liked the house, I could see myself and Desoto living there, but obviously had some committment issues to work out. The house went off the market and I decided to put off looking for a house until after I came home from Alberta. I had found a cute little house and put an offer in (they accepted another offer that came in just before mine), and just happened to drive by the original house that I liked. Well, the for sale sign was back up so I took this as a sign that this house was meant to be mine and I am buying it. I just signed the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, and conditional upon a house inspection, I am going to be a home owner. Um, excuse me (runs to bathroom to throw up, again). The closing date is February 15th! In a month from tomorrow, I will be living in my very own house (puts head between knees to keep from fainting, again)!

The thought of having all my own stuff around me is very exciting. Everything I own has been in storage since last year and I miss my stuff. I have a lot of stuff. I inherited my mother's inability to throw anything away.

Now, I get to do lots of shopping for all the stuff I need. Yay, shopping. And I also get to throw a big house-warming party. Consider yourself invited.

1 comment:

Fernegulley said...

Congratulations!!!! Where is your new address?