Saturday, November 05, 2005

Happy Birthday to ME

It's my birthday today. My birthday is my favorite day of the whole year. It's all about me today. I love my birthday. So far today, I have had coffee and cold pizza for breakfast, which is always a great way to start the day.

I really have no big plans for the day, just a couple of books, magazines, movies, a walk with the big dog and a visit to my dad. Nice easy day, not much different than this past week when I was so sick except for the not feeling like death part.

Anyway, I am just going to hang out and enjoy my day. happy birthday me.


Michele said...
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Michele said...

Happy Birthday! Nice way to spend the day . . . Enjoy!

Unknown said...

happy birthday, Angela!
have a great day :))

Anonymous said...

Just want to wish you a happy birthday. :)

Doug said...

Happy birthday, Angela!

Carolyn said...

Happy Birthday!
Just surfed onto your blog and its my birthday soon so thought I'd give you best wishes.

Joe said...

Happy Birth Day I hope you had a good one!

Anonymous said...

Mine too. Happy Birthday :)

ukok said...

Happy Birthday!

God Bless.