Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Why me?

I am sick. So sick. So sick that I can't talk and my throat is so swollen that I am having trouble breathing. I tried to call my supervisor this morning but he couldn't understand me croaking into the phone, so I had to email him instead.

I am so sick that:
1. I can't eat the leftover halloween chocolate.
2. I can't drink coffee.
3. I don't even care that it's my birthday in 4 days.

I am so sick. Not to mention cranky, miserable and whiny. Except whiny only in my head because I can't talk.

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good girl all year (well except for that one time, but that shouldn't count, it wasn't my fault). For Christmas I would like a new immune system. I will leave you milk and cookies.

Love Angela


Michele said...

Hope you feel better soon.

We must have the same thing--Birthday Flu! I just got sick two weeks ago on my birthday. Then I had a relapse that ruined Halloween for me. I'm still trying to swallow without choking on the nails that I KNOW are resting on my epiglottis . . . Let's hope this passes before Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

I had the same thing on my birthday, for the past 3 years every birthday I had turned out to be a disaster but this year, so many things gone wrong already, I was pretty much sure nothing can surprise me. However, right before I got home to get ready for my birthday lunch with friends I felt my throat hurts and my head exploding. I called all my friends and got into bed where I stayed for almost a week.

I hope you'll feel better by your birthday, I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Anonymous said...

If you're so sick that you can't eat the chocolate - it's really bad! :(

I hope you feel better on your birthday. No one deserves to be sick on their big day!