Saturday, November 05, 2005

It's not nice to be mean to the sick person

So, I had a really good day today. I ddn't die, I got out of bed, and I had 2 cups of coffee. While I am not all the way better, I have started on the path. I even left the house for a brief time. Not that I wanted to leave the house, but apparently the big dog needs to be fed every day or he gets a little touchy. Never mind that I was dying for four days, but as I was saying I had a good day.

I decided to watch Stay, the movie with Ryan Gosling in it. I really only wanted to see the movie because Ryan Gosling is in it because he is cute and since he is only about 12, I am now being punished for thinking he is cute. I don't understand. My brain hurts. I have been sick. I took a lot of cold medicine. My brain is not yet running at full capacity. This movie is very confusing. I have a lot of questions. That was mean. I am very sorry I think a teenager is cute, now please explain. Start at the beginning.

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