Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I am defective

Seriously, there are just too many parts of me that don't work. I want my money back. I had such high hopes after starting my new job, that now I was away from all the old, nasty files and away from that environment, I would never get sick again. I have gotten sick. I have missed a few days with horrible migraines, and now I have just spent the weekend in the hospital with a ruptured ovarian cyst. I really really hate the hospital. Everyone was really nice and they gave me lots of lovely morphine, so I spent most of the time alternating between writhing in pain and being really floaty and stoned, but still, it's a hospital, with the johnny shirts and the uncomfortable beds and the needles.

Desoto had to stay at my parents house, and they took great care of him, but he really missed me. I can tell because now he seems to want to be attached to me, following me everywhere (and by everywhere I mean between the bed and the bathroom because it still hurts too much to go father than that), sleeping as close to me as he can get, and trying to lick my face all the time. While it is nice that he missed me, the face licking is getting old.

1 comment:

Fernegulley said...

Hope you are feeling better> puppy love always helps!!!