Thursday, March 02, 2006

I miss the Olympics

I am very whiny today. There is nothing good on tv. Its cold out. My kitchen is broken. Actually, only the hot water in my kitchen is broken. The cold water works just fine, but when I turn on the hot water, no water comes out. Now the hot water works just fine upstairs, but not in the kitchen. It's very odd. It worked yesterday, but I came home for lunch, and it's broken. I went back to work after lunch, hoping that by the time I got home after work, it would have magically fixed itself. This is how I handle quite a few things, surprisingly few of which have ever magically fixed themselves, and no surprise this didn't either. My windshield wipers did magically fix themselves, but then again, they magically broke themselves, but wait... so did the hot water, so I am not going to give up just yet. I'll wait until tomorrow. I did call my Dad, because I always call my dad about stuff like that, and he told me what he always tells me - call someone to come and fix it. He doesn't believe in magic either.

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