Wednesday, April 12, 2006

All in

So, since I have lately been a victim of misbehaving (read exploding) body parts, I was off work and spent many, many days home in my bed. Between the sleeping, feeling sorry for myself, trips to the hospital, and ignoring my sulky not-walked dog, I developed a new addiction - texas hold'em. I am now a poker addict. I play online but not for realy money because, well, I was on a lot of pain kilers, and I really, really suck at poker. At first I wanted to blame the percocet, but now that I am (mostly) off the drugs, my playing has not improved. Which makes me sad, because I wanted to be one of those cool people who effortlessly win at cards(now even more since I watched House last night and he is so cool with the poker playing), but I am not, and now I will never win a fortune playing poker in Las Vegas. This does not mean I am giving up, oh no, I keep on playing with the hope that someday I will remember that a flush beats a straight (which I can never remember and I just had to go and look up which would win), or that 4 of a kind beats a full house(which I am pretty sure I didn't know until right now). And that really explains why I don't win right there.

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