Saturday, February 18, 2006

A little story about Desoto

In honour of the fact that Desoto and I are watching Turner and Hooch (our favorite movie) right now, here is a little story about Desoto, who just might be the smartest dog in the world. Or at least the neatest. I bought a big wicker basket a couple of weeks ago to keep all of Desoto's toys in. When I was home for lunch one day I put all of his toys away and as I was picking them up, I kept showing him where I was putting the toys. Of course this took a while because whenever I put a toy in the basket, he would run over and take it out again. Anyway, I eventually got them all cleaned up except for a few he was chewing on. When I came home after work that day, there were no toys on the floor, which I thought was wierd but I soon forgot about it. A couple of days later, I was watching tv and Desoto was chewing on one of his squeaky toys, and as I was watching, he took that toy to the basket, put it in and took out a different toy. Desoto puts his toys away after he is done playing with them! See, the smartest dog in the world. Now, if only I could teach him to pick up after me.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Big Dog is definitely the smartest and prettiest dog ever.