Saturday, February 18, 2006

Do competitors ever die at the Olympics?

I have been camped in front of my television, watching as much of the olympics as possible, and marvelling at how insane some of these athletes have to be in order to compete in some of these sports. Skeleton? Luge? Do they really think that the helemet and spandex suit they wear is going to help as they hurtle down the track at 100 km per hour? Sheer insanity. The snowboard cross, where they can push each other out of the way (and did you not feel sooo bad for Lindsey Jacobellis when she lost the gold medal by pulling a little method air and falling?), not to mention any of the downhill skiing and jumping competitions. I watched a clip show of some of the accidents and crashes and it really amazed me that these athletes, who must have nerves of steel, can still compete after watching one of their competitors have a spectacular crash and be taken away on a stretcher. They showed one girl who competes in snowjumping, who had a bad fall and BROKE HER NECK and is now back competing! I am pretty sure that if I broke my neck doing something, I would stop doing it. But I guess thats why I don't have any medals. Unless taking to your bed becomes an olympic sport, 'cause I would totally take the gold in that.

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