Sunday, December 04, 2005

I dream about wolves

Lately, I have been dreaming about wolves chasing me. Big, growling, scary wolves. I don't need a dream analysis book to tell me what these dreams mean. They mean that my giant, bed hogging dog growls in his sleep. You know when some dogs are asleep they make cute little yips and barks, and their legs twitch like they are chasing cats or cars in their sleep? When Desoto chases stuff in his sleep, he makes big, LOUD, scary growls, like he is Cujo and he is going to eat your head. And when his legs twitch, I gets scratches and bruises. One time, I landed on the floor.

While it is very easy to suggest to me, as does everyone I know, that I just don't let Desoto on to the bed, carrying out this plan is a whole other ball game. The dog is as big as I am, weighs as much and is very determined not to sleep on the floor. So until I convince Desoto that I am the alpha dog in this relationship and I get the bed, I'll be dreaming about big, scary wolves chasing me.

1 comment:

genderist said...

Maybe the puppy needs some night-night chammomile!