Sunday, December 18, 2005

Betcha can't guess what I got for Christmas...

A broken nose! My big goofy dog, whose giant head is apparently made of rock, hit my face with that giant head while we were playing and broke my nose. In his defense, he did feel really badly about it, and while I laid on the floor and cried, he laid down beside me and cried too, licking my elbow every few minutes to make me feel better. It is actually not completely broken, just a hairline fracture, but I still have a swollen face and 2 black eyes. Just the thing for pictures around the christmas tree. And, in case you didn't know, a broken nose is very, very painful. Sneezing will make me scream in pain, and I am now terrified of people hugging me, because that brings them a little too close to my face for me to be entirely comfortable. Last night, my friend playfully pretended to grab my nose and I immediately burst into tears just from the thought of the pain. I sure am a fun party guest.


Michael said...

That's one hard headed dog. ;)

Deepak Morris said...

Sorry to hear of the fracture and I hope you get well soon.

I shudder to think what would happen to me if my big goofy dog broke my nose. He'd probably make it worse by trying to fix it. He can't bear to see anyone cry and he tries to fix that by pawing their face with his big goofy paw.


mojotek said...

Aye aye aye... Man, that hurts just thinking about it. At least the dog could actually connect with you and knew how much pain you were in.