Monday, January 23, 2006

No excuses

Wow, I have been really lax lately in updating this blog. Unfortunately, my life has not been jam packed with exciting activity, leaving me no free time to update. There really has been no good reason for it, except pure lazyness. And procrastination. Although, I don't win the prize for best procrastinator - that award goes to my brother and sister-in-law, who have still not mailed their christmas presents to me and my parents. No, I am not kidding. Apparently the three of us will be having a hybrid christmas/valentines day. Although there is no guarantee that they will be here by then.

In other news, I am training for a marathon. It seemed like a really good idea at the time, but OW!!!! Ow, Ow, Ow. Running is not fun. I keep waiting for the day that I will wake up and love to run, but so far that has not happened. Since I left my old job that was making me sick, I have been feeling much, much better. So much better that I started out working out and running again. I used to run a lot years ago. I was thinner and a lot younger then. So, anyway, with all of the feeling good, I got this book "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer" which has a 16 week program to running a marathon. Right now, I am still in the getting in good enough shape to start the program part of the program. I am now running 3 miles 4 times a week, and I start the 16 week program next Monday. The marathon is in Halifax on the 21st of May and hopefully my sister, who is starting to train as well, will be running with me.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh, I think Alex gave me your Christmas present!! I got a heart monitor for my bithday, and didn't she say she was going to send you one with the Christmas presents! Haha, it's really nice too!